Communication is the process of interaction between people based on the exchange of information, mutual recognition and understanding of each other, forming relationships and joint activity
Definition by A.N. Leontiev: Personality - a set of social relations that are realized in diverse activities. Personality is relatively late product of social historical development
Emotions (from the Latin "emoveo" - "stunning, excitement") are special class of mental processes that reflect the importance of individual's activity. Emotions contribute to behavior by arising due to response on significant ...
In contrast to sensation and perception that gets information through the senses, thinking is a rational form of knowledge, which is not directly given by perception
Студент латынша - Student - шүғылданушы, оқып білуші, үйренуші/ -Қазақстанда жоғары оқу орньшың оқушысы. Ежелгі Римде таным процесімен айналысқан адамдарды "Студент" деген.